Commission Process

-> Contact me via any of the links below.

-> Choose a commission type (listed below).

-> Include a description of what you'd like me to draw along with character reference images.

-> Full payment before starting via PayPal.

-> I'll send updates at each stage of the process for feedback and revisions.

Please Note

-> My strengths are fantasy and modern character illustration. Other genres are fine but I may not be as experienced.

-> I won't draw anything pornographic.

-> 6% will be added to the final price to offset PayPal fees.

Thank you!



-> You can choose any pose, character, environment, scenario, etc.

-> €110+ per extra character

-> €40+ for detailed backgrounds.

-> Complex details cost extra (detailed clothing, tattoos, wings, etc.)

Character Design


-> I'll design your character based on your description and any reference images.

-> I'll send concept sketches to choose from before finalising the design.

-> €30 discount for character redesigns (ie. a pre-existing character with art/screenshots for reference.)

Game Portrait


-> For use in games (dialogue portraits, menus, etc.)

-> €80+ for each new pose.

-> €10+ per expression with no change to pose.

-> €10+ for basic animation (blink, mouth closed/open).

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